Friday, October 25, 2013


Life gets overwhelming and at times I do not know if I am coming or going. I feel like the hamster on the wheel constantly running, but never reaching the finish line.  But heck, who am I kidding? I am a mother of two boys, a middle school teacher, a wife to a shift worker who puts in 15 hour days.  Amongst all of that I am supposed to find time to be Tiffany. How do I even begin to balance life? I am the walking definition of the Type "A" personality. I like schedules, routines, and detest CHANGE! 

I feel like life's daily routines have consumed my personal time. The real question is, "Are all the have to's in life really necessity?" I am finding it very hard to quit being controlling and go with the flow.

I am not sure what steps to take in order to reach the state of cool, calm, and collective. In the past it has not been so bad because my oldest, Jacob was not in school. I didn't have a clue the types of demands Kindergarten would have of my life. 

I have began questioning my role as a teacher and mother. Surely they can co-exist. They have the past four years. Not to mention tons of other women do it as well. Anyways, the bottom line is can I schedule my life to make it ll work and fit? If so how do I do this efficiently and effectively?